This course is part of your free Community Membership.

Live Sessions
Offered Semi-Annually

Register at any time to be notified of when the next round begins.

“The body is the repository of now. The body is what is sculpted by the life we lead."
- Armand Bytton

Expand your support with a deeper understanding of how to use Dr. Bytton’s recommended nutritional supplements with your:

  • Daily practices
  • Integration processes
  • Life events

“The supplements are vitamins for the soul. There's this prejudice that the soul should be perfect by itself; but it's not. It still needs to live within our body, and our body needs nurturing." - Armand Bytton

Details about the course:

Anyone interested in the use of Armand's recommended nutritional supplements, which have been formulated as daily support for gently shifting imbalances in body, mind, heart, and spirit.

The course can be especially helpful for:

  • Anyone looking for supplemental support between facilitated Imetics events
  • Imetics facilitators and wellness guides working with clients within and beyond our community.

The six weekly 90-minute sessions bring you into a holistic understanding of how individual supplements function and how to bring them into your daily practices.

The syllabus will unfold with:

  • Week 1: An overview of the Imetics Mind-Heart-Body-Spirit wheel
  • Week 2: Body supplements and applications
  • Week 3: Mind supplements and applications
  • Week 4: Heart supplements and applications
  • Week 5: Spirit supplements and applications
  • Week 6: How to personalize your supplement protocol

And every discussion will include time both for information shared by Chris as well as questions from attendees.

Christopher Frederick is a mentor facilitator in the Imetics global community, as well as an assistant to Dr. Bytton. He began his studies in Imetics in 2013, and has been a staff member since 2014, focusing on educational programs and supplements projects. He brings over twenty-five years of experience in community building, collaborative leadership, and event production, as well as individual consulting specialized in childhood trauma, identity evolution, and relationship imbalances.

The course is currently available through live attendance only, through 6 weekly Zoom sessions.

Simply log in and in the top menu select My Memberships > Supplement Course. Everything you need to know is there.

We definitely want it to be! If you are multi-lingual and would like to help translate the materials into additional languages, please contact us.

More Questions?

Just ask